AlsoAsked returns People Also Asked data from Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
Sometimes Google provides no results for a specific query, language or region.
It is well-known that Google has lower coverage of People Also Ask questions for non-English languages.
In instances where there are no results for a non-English search, AlsoAsked will automatically repeat the search to see if English results are available to help you identify search intent.
For example, if you search for "salle to bain" in AlsoAsked and set the region to France and language to French:
You will get the following results in English:
Why are these results in English?
If you attempt searching for "salle de bain" on, with the French language set, you will get these results:
As you can see, there are no People Also Asked results on this page for AlsoAsked to provide answers, therefore AlsoAsked will repeat the results on an English SERP:
As highlighted, People Also Ask questions are available on this page and are returned as the question set.