Whenever you conduct a successful search on AlsoAsked, the results are cached for you.
The maximum time a result is cached depends on which tier of account you are subscribed to.
Basic accounts: Cache results up to 24 hours
Lite accounts: Cache results up to 1 month
Pro accounts: Cache results up to 1 year
You can see when a result was cached in the top right-hand corner of the search results page:
If you conduct this search again manually or by clicking on it in your dashboard or search history page, it will load instantly from the cache and not cost you a credit.
If you wish to clear the cache and get the latest People Also Ask data, you simply click on the cache refresh icon in the top right-hand corner.
Doing so will give you a prompt to confirm that it will cost 1 search credit to refresh the cache.
To refresh the cache click "Use 1 credit" or you can click the "x" or "Cancel" if you do not wish to refresh the results.